In-Memory driver for redis-rb.
This a fake implementation of redis-rb for machines without Redis or test environments
Install the gem:
gem install fakeredis
Add it to your Gemfile:
gem "fakeredis"
FakeRedis currently supports redis-rb v3.0.0 or later, if you are using redis-rb v2.2.x install the version 0.3.x:
gem install fakeredis -v "~> 0.3.0"
or use the branch 0-3-x on your Gemfile:
gem "fakeredis", :git => "git://", :branch => "0-3-x"
You can use FakeRedis without any changes:
require "fakeredis"
redis =
>> redis.set "foo", "bar"
=> "OK"
>> redis.get "foo"
=> "bar"
Read redis-rb documentation and Redis homepage for more info about commands
Require this either in your Gemfile or in RSpec's support scripts. So either:
# Gemfile
group :test do
gem "rspec"
gem "fakeredis", :require => "fakeredis/rspec"
# spec/support/fakeredis.rb
require 'fakeredis/rspec'
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Guillermo Iguaran. See LICENSE for further details.